Apr 4, 2009

Wake up at 5 , bath-ed , eat and went to meet Felicia and the rest @ lot1 mac.
As it is sport day today so went to singapore poly. Weather was damn hot there.___.
Pekcek like hell _I_ Hmmmm... but it's still okay lah :D Cause can see someone:x
Dimiss-ed around 1 , train-ed to yewtee to have lunch with Felicia:)
Wait-ed for Desiree and Daphne to come over to my house..
Quite fun as we were very sampat ! OMG~

Today is flag day -.-! Was damn damn damn bored. Meet Vivien at my house there
wait-ed for Xinyi and Meihoon at gombak station :I Decide-d to went over to jurong;IMM.
Meet Prakash & all went over to science center , Vivien they all dont want to tag along
i also dont know why :( Meet Daphne after her dance and went back to yewtee, thenthen
for awhile went to westmall -.-! Sampat ! LOL
Slack-ed till around 5 and went back home^^

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