May 27, 2009

Just saying about myself :)

Its 27th ; Wed 2009 today.
Two more days and it will be holiday :D
Feeling high but bored uhs..scare got nothing to do then stay at home rot.__.
Felicia and Desiree didnt came , sad lah ! But still got Daphne and Mushroon.
Cheers x)
Tele-match went smoothly today , had lots of fun. Had pizza after it was ended
; Mr Teo treats xD Thanks ! Its Prakash birthday , happy birthday to you.
Feeling sad right now cause im still thinking how to tell my mother about my
result..maybe she'll be having heart-attack after hearing?! OMG. Totally shag><
Many things gone through my head now, feel like banging the wall real hard.
Cause i dk what do , how to say. Sometimes feelings come and go . You're
strong infront of us cause friends around to cheer you up , talking crapz. Laughs
like mad ! But when you're alone , you start to think the problem that
bothering you. You felt sad , trying not to care anything but you still did.
Why issit so hard for you to forget someone?!
You act like you dont seems to care_l_
You act like you dont seems to love_l_
You act like you already forget_l_
You act strong infront of your friends_l_
Im sick and tired of myself, I GIVE UP!

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