Jun 21, 2009

Happy father's day ! & I love you (:
Spent a day out with family today , it was great & fun.
Bought quite a lot of tibits, sweets andand chocolate-,-
Will i get fat if i keep on eating?! OMG *cant face the reality*
ButBut i will still keep eating those unhealthy stuff cause its like supper?
Well , had a day out to bugis by public transport :l The crowd at there its killing me.
In mrt more worst i get hit by the door when closing @#$#$%! -Peeps pushing around.
Dad's car is send for checking or repair? Im not so sure. Cant get use to it when there
are no car on sunday. Urgh..
HAHA ! Alright im going to watch a horror show now. Shall post again ya (:
Night & Bye guys :D

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