Mar 20, 2009


Two more days and should say byebye to holiday. Spent my 1week doing
housework and takecare of my brother as my mother is working and going to
her course. Yesterday was CHEONGCHEESHOON birthday (: Went to meet
Felicia at Marsiling , let her wait-ed for me almost 40mins because i'm late.
Headed to CHIOKHEERONG'S cousin house it was damn far okay! Kp to
Felicia alot as I was super pekcek-.-! Weather was hot like hell..a dry shirt
became a wet shirt_l_ walk here walk there, finally reach-ed. :D Chang-ed
bag with Kheerong & I saw a THING which is soooooooo *FUNNY* try not
to mention it because i confirm he'll surely kill me>.< meet daphne & others, was boring so we all went to csc. Cheeshoon booked
a room at the ktv.. sing here sing there.. play here play there.. walk here
walk there... and time to go home. So me, Felicia, Daphne cabb-ed home(:
Siannnnn leh, now uh economic was sooooooo bad i still take TAXI !
Reah-ed home. Bath-ed. As head was extremely dizzy so went to sleep xDD

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