May 22, 2009


Fuck the haters,the assholes,the people out to get you,
the whiners,the people that cheat you,the people who
pretend to be your friend,those who're purposely rude,
the backstabbers,those who purposely lie,the arrogant,
the hypicritical,the greedy,the deceiving,the people
who dont appreciate you,the fake !

School is not as-usual , scolded by chew today and is like most of the time_l_
Didnt do anything wrong and say me and felicia were too much?!
Wth lah , if you everytime so frastrated dont teach then (: Nobody
force you , nobody will make u angry , i got say u scare of anything meh?
so kp like bitch for what?! Dont like me? Kick me out form the school lor.
If you're having your pms , PLEASE STAY AT HOME AND REST!
This few days you have been shouting like mad women. You think
we wish that our eng failed uhs..we also very sad about it lea.
Seeing you in school make me sick :l Shall not comment anymore , it make
me more fcuked up.
Went for telematch briefing but ended up nobody come except some.
So went to find F they all at sc , thenthen bused home with f & m,
reached teckwhye saw a baby; damn cuteeeee xD Feel like
pinching her face.___. Dont know why me and f laugh like hell:D
*Waiting for f to online* HAHAHA!
Byeeee everyone(:

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