Aug 16, 2009

yoyoyoyoyo guys ! Sorry for the lateeeeeee updates.

Meet JASON WEE JIAMING  :D Bused down to ps , wanted to catch the movie; orphan but
reached there its late and the tickets are selling fast , left the very front seats i guess):
okay walk around ps then to ion and central (: Send him to boonlay waited for bus. He
going back to his camp.I'm so gonna to miss him BADLY !

Down to orchard again as my dad want to shop. 
Nothing much to elaborate, just wanna update as my blog
is damn dead kay . HAHA !
This blog is killing me , I CANT PUT ANY SONGS _l_
Omg ! Bear with this blog without music player *angry*
Confirm have problem , i wanted to change skin also cant . Sad.
School tmr , i going to sleep now (:
Byebye ! Goodnights. 
*A kiss form me to you* (;

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